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A lentil man!


I like food.  Let me rephrase that.  I love food, hence my body is naturally crafted to reflect this.  It’s not like I haven’t tried diets and fitness regimes, but I quickly (too quickly) get bored and crave food again.  Some might call it an addiction, but I just eat to live 🙂

Not only do I like food, but I also like most dishes and ingredients.  However, some food does not go well with my taste buds or my food philosophy.  Just to name and shame a few of these offenders.  I have tried some of them, but some I simply refused to even look at.  Let me be clear, I’m sure these dishes are delicious, for some, so it’s not aimed to insult any food cultures around the Globe.





But, my biggest food peeve is probably lentils.  These little green/grey bean related suckers should not be prepared or used in food I consume.  I know I’m being childish and I know they probably are delicious.  But, have you never encountered something that you do not find any pleasure in eating what so ever?

It’s really the consistency that I mainly dislike.  And please note I use the word dislike and note hate.  Hate is too strong of a word to use for anything or anybody.

Now, just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean that I will rudely gag or vomit when eating these devils, especially not when eating with friends or in public.  I just try to avoid eating dishes with lentils.

Unfortunately that is not always possible.

My beautiful South American princess, and her family enjoy lentils.  It must be a culture or region thing.  As a result, I’m introduced to lentils when having family dinners or if my mother-in-law prepares lentil dishes for my kids.

I know we are in a rescission and that we have to be conscious of what we buy and eat, but there’s no need to be cruel and introduce lentils several times a week.  There are only so many excuses I can come up with, for not eating or working late.

My wife puts me in a tight spot when preparing these lovely dishes.  I have to set a good example for my kids and cannot show them the face of fear.  It’ll just make them copy my behavior, leading to the dark side of food dislikes.

Some very close friends of ours invited us for dinner, and one of the dishes was an exotic vegetable soup with onions and LENTILS!!!  Polite as I am, I braved and faced my fears, and ate a little soup.  I attempted to divide the lentils from the onions, but it was an impossible task.  There must have been at least a million of these green monsters.  So, I soldiered on and ate half the bowl, strongly followed by a pint of coke – the drink not the substance.

I know that I can find many more foods that I wouldn’t touch or eat, but I stick to what I know and like.  When we go traveling I do like to try something new, but still within the same categories I know.  Nothing like fried insects, snails, stuffed innards, boiled animal heads.

What are your food peeves?

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