Today I Will Live

I came across this poem or text from a book I’m reading. This experience has elevated my anxiousness and I need to find ways to deal with it before it clouds my life.

As such, I found this very helpful and calming, and I want to share it with you.

"Today, I will live today

Yesterday has passed

Tomorrow is not yet

I'm left with today

So, today, I will live today

Relive yesterday? No

I will learn from it

I will seek mercy for it

I will take joy in it

But I won't live in it

The sun has set on yesterday

The sun has yet to rise on tomorrow

Worry about the future? To what gain?

It deserves a glance, nothing more

I can't change tomorrow until tomorrow

Today, I will live today

I will face today's challenges with today's strength

I will dance today's waltz with today's music

I will celebrate today's opportunities with today's hope


This is from Max Lucado’s book “Anxious for Nothing” which I’ll review later and share my thoughts.

In the meantime, enjoy the poem. Read it a few times and you will see it makes sense to our situation.

We are heart warriors. We live and fight today and we cannot control what happens tomorrow.


#maxlucado #anxiety #livefortoday #journey #spiritual


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